


You really need to love yourself and like your own company, cause otherwise you’re always looking for that piece of the jigsaw puzzle to complete you when you should be complete to begin with. I find today people are getting together for the wrong reasons. We measure up people in terms of what they own, and what they do for a living. How can they provide, how can they, you know, make my life easier? They don’t ask the hard questions. Do you want children? Where do you want to live? Where do you aspire to be? You want to talk about that before you commit to see if it’s really what you both want. Because when you fall in love, you don’t think things through very clearly. And there’s a lot of, you know, infatuation involved. And there might be a physical attraction, but that’s not what keeps people together When the attraction is gone, what’s left? Live your life to the point where you’re comfortable being your own person. You can rely on yourself financially..Be a whole person, and don’t wait to complete yourself by meeting another person, Be whole first, and then you can partner up with someone. We idealize the other person, especially when we’re first dating and it’s so exciting. But you need to spend time with that person to really get to understand also their peccadilloes, their idiosyncrasies, their shortcomings.And then you have to ask yourself, Can I live with all that? Some people say, yes, I can overlook that because I really love that person. And other people will say no, is the perfect excuse to call it quits. You need to take your time get to know that person. That is so important to know that you could be with someone for a long time and grow together.


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